Maze Files for Karel J. Robot

  1. Intro to Karel J Robot
  2. Make a Maze for Karel
  3. Make a Karel Robot to Run any of these mazes
These are World files that define the size, and the location of walls and beepers

  1. AidanH.txt

  2. AidenS.txt

  3. AjL.txt

  4. AlexA.txt

  5. BradleyB.txt

  6. CharlieH.txt

  7. ChaseH.txt

  8. ColeS.txt

  9. DerekG.txt

  10. GrayC.txt

  11. JakeG.txt

  12. JakeR.txt

  13. JasonL.txt

  14. JohnG.txt

  15. JonathanR.txt

  16. JustinP.txt

  17. KevinJ.txt

  18. KevinK.txt

  19. LiamZ.txt

  20. LucasC.txt

  21. LucasF.txt

  22. MarkM.txt

  23. NathanK.txt

  24. NicholasF.txt

  25. Noe.txt

  26. OliverW.txt

  27. PrestonG.txt

  28. SeanK.txt

  29. TitusR.txt