Student's Vector Drawings 2002


--'TV'-- bY.Sean Watanabe


Raul Puentes
Infamous Logo of Enron

<10, 10>
<2, -2>
<-10, -10>
<2, -2>
<10, 10>
<2, -2>
<-10, -10>
<-10, 10>
<-4, -4>
<1.50, -1.50>
<-1.50, 1.50>
<2, 2>
<1.50, -1.50>
<-1.50, 1.50>
<2, 2>
<2, -2>
<-4, -4>
<4, 4>
<4.00, 4>
<-4, -4>
<2.40, 5.70>
<-4, -4>
<4, 4>
<2, -2.0>
<-4, -4>
<4, 4>
<2, -2.0>
<-1.80, -1.80>
<-.40, .30>
<.10, -.57>
<-.10, .57>
<-2.0, 2.0>
<2.0, -2.0>
<.10, -.57>
<1.90, 1.90>
<-.10, .57>
<-2.0, 2.0>
<2.0, -2.0>
<.10, -.57>
<-.10, .57>
<.40, -.30>
<1.80, 1.80>
<.20, -.20>
<-4, -4.>
<1.60, -1.60>
<4.0, 4.0>
<.2, -.2>
<-4.0, -4>
<4.0, 4.0>
<4.0, 3.9>

Devin Moorad

Tie Fighter from Star Wars:


Jimmy the Pirate (Patrick Ross), Period A
The picture is Count Dooku's Lightsaber from Episode II:


Cross by Michael Knosp


Other Student Works...

A sword by Rodrigo Berrios


Alex Gonzalez---------Star


Pentagram by Chris Schellenbach
(Famous symbol used by the Pathagoreans long before Satanists existed)

<15, -50>
<15, 50>
<-35, -35>
<40, 0>
<-35, 35>

Aaron Burns- confederate flag

<-20, 0>
<0, 10>
<20, 0>
<0, -10>
<0, 10>
<-20, -10>
<0, 10>
<20, -10>

New Additions

Title: Cube Author: Mike Farrach


Christopher Aguayo

something Religious for a Religious person <20,20>

Kevin Holmquist's Vectors

Red Cross <10,0>

Alex Aguilar's "Zeldas Triforce" from period A


Alex Logan period c : Shooting Star/Comet
